Are you ready to begin The Challenge? This is the last day of the Pre Challenge- WooHoo! Finally we’ll being getting started. All the hush hushness during the Pre Challenge and the strictness of the posting in the Challenge Forum has created a lot of anxious and frustrated folks.
I have started a blog dedicated to the Challenge, everyone is welcome to use it as their online journal for their experience throughout the Challenge, to get support and help from others, and most importantly, freely express their feelings- something bot truly allowed on the Challenge Forum.Register now and get started
There were many threads or conversations started only to be squashed by the moderators. They do not want anyone posting about prior years or anything that has not been brought up in this year’s Challenge, which doesn’t leave much- UStream, Twitter, only an intro to Market Samurai, expectations, and their disclaimer.
Since they haven’t shown us how to use Market Samurai – that discussion is out. Yet they continued to build excitement- but don’t try to get ahead or ask questions that they haven’t covered yet- they’ll only answer with wait to see if that is covered during the Challenge- then you can ask again.
Don’t get me wrong, I think that the Challenge is a great event and it can help lots of folks. I just find their rules overly strict. Ed has said in the past and I think in the opening UStream video this year, that The people running the Challenge are doing ALL this work for us, they are not getting any monetary benefits. I was ostracized for saying this 3 years ago and heavily criticized because I spoke out.
I do not have a problem with them making an affiliate commission from us and I think that Ed Dale is very intelligent and creative businessman- I just wanted him to be honest. Don’t chew us out saying that they did all this work strictly to help us- that’s just a bunch of Bullshit. There I said it! I am sure they created this whole 30 Day Challenge as a way to bring more traffic to programs they are affiliates of, or they would not continue to do this huge undertaking each year.
Finally and I’m sure that it was one way to comply with the new FCC regulations and answer many of the skeptical inquiries, Ed Dale explained that while the Challenge was totally free and no cost to us, they do receive commissions when any of us make a purchase by using their recommended tools or services using their links. There it’s out! I’m not being cynical or jealous, any any of the negative and sometimes nasty things said about me. I was just being honest enough to say not to put Ed on a pedestal as so many people were doing, this is a marketing strategy and nothing more.
If you would like to be part of our Team Community- register at the The Challenge Team Blog