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Free Web Editors that make site building EZ

There are 2 really nice free programs that are great for allowing the beginner to create professional websites.

One is NetObjects Essentials
Essentals is version 7  and of NetObjects Fusion. NetObjects has decided to make one of their older versions free as a marketing promotion.

Essentials is Super easy to use and extremely user friendly. You just pick a spot where you want an image or text to be and enter it. the program puts all the code in for you. the site has vdeo tutorials to help you w/ the short learning curve. get on our training notification list and you’ll be notified of any upcoming classes.

Watch this video and see just how easy it really is.


If you plan the content and images that you want to include on your site, you could actually have the site up w/in an hour or two.

The second program is Kompozer

Kompozer is the “unofficial” upgraded version of NVU (pronounced
N-view ). There’s a slightly bigger learning curve than NetObjects, but it’s still an easy program to use.

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